How to add 'Web Statement URL' and 'Licensor URL' fields to your Metadata Presets in Lightroom Classic.
Scroll down to the next Bold line if you just came for the instructions.
Pro photographers have debated the pros and cons of having their images on the internet since, well, there was an internet I suspect. It seems to be a never ending debate.
"If I have my images out there they will be stolen", "If I don't have them out there no one will find me".
There are all levels of netizens to consider, from kids looking for photos for a school project all the way up to Multinational Corporations that will take you photos from the web and use them without consultation, payment or credit.
If bought to task on the theft they have perpetrated the excuses are many and varied. "I had no idea about copyright", "If it's on the net, it's up for grabs", "It's a derivative work, cos I cropped out your watermark, therefore it's fair use", "I couldn't figure out who owned it so I figured it must be free to use or creative commons" or some such other nonsense.
In association with many leading figures in the Image Licensing industry, Google Images has implemented a new "Licensable" label that will point people who find your images through Google back to your web site.
Here's their Blog Post on this.

So now, we photographers that license our images need to populate a couple of fields in our image IPTC metadata for any images that we put out on the internet if we want to take advantage of this fantastic new initiative from Google.
Google are calling them, 'Web Statement URL' and 'Licensor URL'.
I had quite a problem trying to figure out where these fields were and how to add them to my standard IPTC template in Lightroom Classic.
A search of the Google came up with several different answers including one which looked quite authoritative and stated it wasn't possible in Lightroom Classic only Lightroom CC.
A couple of emails with Sarah at tech support for Photoshelter pointed me in the right direction eventually.
Maybe I'm just dumb but in case anyone else is having the same problem, and I'm hoping you find this page rather than all the unhelpful and wrong pages I had to wade through, here are the steps...
Adding 'Web Statement URL' and 'Licensor URL' fields to your Metadata Presets in Lightroom Classic.
Select an image and apply your existing preset.
Then add the two URLS...
Web Statement URL
In the Lightroom Library Panel on the Metadata window select 'IPTC' from the dropdown on the left...

Scroll down to the bottom to 'Copyright Info URL'
'Copyright Info URL' = 'Web Statement URL'
This is where you put a link to a page that explains Copyright ownership, usage and the rights available for your images.

The page must start with with https:// or http://
Mine is here...
Licensor URL
In the Lightroom Library Panel on the Metadata window select 'IPTC Extension' from the dropdown...

Near the bottom there is a 'Licensor' label.
Click the three little dots to the right of 'Licensor' to expand the associated fields out.

At the bottom there is a field called URL.
Licensor/URL = 'Licensor URL'
This is where you put a link to a page that explains the process of Licensing images from you and must start with https:// or http://

Mine is here...
Making it stick
Now go back to the Preset selector and click 'edit presets'
Select the Preset you just updated from the uppermost dropdown.
Ensure there is a tick next to 'Copyright Info URL' in the 'IPTC Copyright' window.

Then scroll down to 'IPTC Extension Rights'
Expand it if it isn't already with the little triangle to the left.

Click the tick box to the far right of 'Licensor' then select 'Replace' from the dropdown.
Then go back to the top and back into the Preset dropdown and click either 'Save Current Setting as New Preset...' or 'Update Preset "xxxxxxx"
Done, Wasn't that easy? Thanks Adobe </s>